Mercados informales para reducir la pobreza y para la seguridad alimentaria: explorando las opciones de política para Nicaragua y Honduras


Main Objective

Understand how traditional markets work and if improvements can be made, to provide better benefits to poor farmers and consumers of three value chains: common beans, tomatoes and dry cheese


Lundy, Mark (International Center for Tropical Agriculture - CIAT) - ORCID: 0000-0002-5241-3777
Reyes, Byron (International Center for Tropical Agriculture - CIAT)
Gomez, Lorena (International Center for Tropical Agriculture - CIAT)
Francesca Larosa
Jenny Wiegel (International Center for Tropical Agriculture - CIAT)
Matthias Jager (International Center for Tropical Agriculture - CIAT)

Collection dates

Start: 201508 - End: 201508


Description Vocabulary VocabularyURI Type
Decision and Policy Analysis - DAPA CIAT Research Area Keyword
Nicaragua AGROVOC Keyword
Beans AGROVOC Keyword
Cheese Keyword
Intermediaries Keyword
Retailers Keyword
Tomatoes Keyword
Traditional markets Keyword
Wholesalers Keyword
Market trade topicClassification

Related publications


Name URL Type
Fundación FORD Producer
Lutheran World Relief Producer
Swisscontact Producer


Label Description Tags Restricted reason/duration
Cuestionario intermediarios-nicaragua esp-v6.pdf Open Complete survey used to collect intermediaries information Questionnaire
Cuestionario mayoristas-nicaragua esp-v8.pdf Open Complete survey used to collect wholesale sellers information Questionnaire
Cuestionario minoristas-nicaragua esp-v8.pdf Open Complete survey used to collect sellers information Questionnaire


Country State/Province City Other
Nicaragua Managua
Nicaragua Estelí
Nicaragua Matagalpa